Thursday, September 27, 2007

Great job on Preview Day!

Preview Day was last Saturday and we had a great turnout!

I would like to take this chance to congratulate all the clubs, organizations, students and faculty on a successful Preview Day. Though the football team lost in the conference opener, the volleyball team won and even had pretty good crowd support.

Preview Day is generally for any high school seniors and juniors/transfer students looking at coming to school at JSU. But, it is also a chance for their parents to come and see exactly what it is that their children would be getting into.

I can remember quite a while ago coming and looking at JSU and how exciting I thought it all was. Yes, a small town but a big school and that brought everyone together which is what I liked so much about it.

I just hope that these incoming freshmen and transfer students will come to school here and love it as much as I do.

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to put this Preview Day together! Keep up the great work and I look forward to the next one!

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