Thursday, October 4, 2007


With multiple sports going on across campus, intramurals can easily be overlooked. But this is the thing that many can come out and watch, no matter what their schedule is. Whether at the intramural field or at Paul Snow stadium, there is always room for spectators.

Bringing out students and some faculty, intramurals can be exciting for everyone. It gives everyone a way to become involved without the hectic schedule of collegiate sports.

Depending on the season, there are a variety of sports offered. Such as: basketball, beach volleyball, bowling, dodgeball, flag football, golf, inner-tube water polo, racquetball, softball, tennis, ultimate frisbee and whiffleball, among others.

Though many of the fall sports have already begun play, two that have no started are inner-tube water polo (the forms are due Oct. 19th) and indoor volleyball (the forms are due Oct. 26th). More information and entry forms are available in Stephenson Hall Rm 215 or see their website at .

So, what are you waiting for? Let your competitive spirit out and get involved!


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